Unsuspected revolution

Operätiön: hygge

Note: This was an experiment. I never documented any more than one day of hyggeing.

Week numbers are year based, not experiment-based. So this starts in week 40, but it doesn't mean there have been 40 weeks of hygge before.


Week 40

October 1st

My partner has a very early flight and wakes me up. There's no point in going back to sleep, so I get up at 6 and shower. Then, breakfast.

I spent some somewhat focused time researching several topics:

  • tmux: I need to make my own cheatsheet
  • rollup vs webpack: use rollup for libraries, webpack for [most] apps
  • installing node on macOS with Homebrew vs downloading a package: I gave up and installed with Homebrew
  • frappe gantt vs mermaid: I didn't have time to look at this

It's doctor time! I underestimated the time it would take me to go to the surgery and so I end up sprinting between commuters on their way to work. I make it with a minute to spare. Yay me!

The doctor orders a blood test. I'm not excited! I'm sent to a hospital I've never been to before. I'm curious about that although also terrified because I've never been there before. In reception, I ask "am I in the right place?" and the guy enthusiastically declares that I certainly I'm! Phew!

I ask the nurse who's going to take my precious blood to not let me see anything. She asks me to "pull a face". It's the first time I am asked to do this, but it distracts me enough that I don't feel much the needle. We're done soon. Phew!

I walk back home in a daze, enjoying this unexpected October sunshine while it lasts!

It doesn't last long.

Back home I start preparing a sourdough bread. By the time I'm done with the initial mixing, it's pouring with rain to the tune of riotous thunder. I guess I'm doing this hygge thing properly!

After lunch, and with the bread proving on a basket, I pick up my sewing project and work on a shirt I started on the week-end. It's a complicated pattern and I get stuck on a place so I'll just wait until my knowledgeable partner is back so we can look at this together. It is still raining and thundering.

I prepare a dal for dinner. Red lentils, onion, mustard seeds, green chilli, turmeric, garam masala, and paneer with cumin seeds and turmeric. I also have a little merienda: tea and biscuits, before going to the gym.

The gym might not be strictly hygge, but it feels good to swing somewhat heavy weights in the air (considering one of my shoulders was unable to wear load until recently). I'm using 8 kg and 11.25 kg dumbbells this week. I couldn't attend this class last week, so I was a bit afraid that I'd lost muscle mass or something, but I felt quite strong. My legs weren't jelly after the class. Maybe I need to increase the weights.

I see a group of four hipsters munching on clementines on the way back, sort of conspiring on a dark doorstep. Their moustached ringleader was on the step, dressed like a sort of fisherman, with hat and all. I found the whole set hilarious!

I'm going to have dinner.

Hygge level: 6, the blood test was a bit of a bummer.