Week notes [2022/37]

  • Not at work:
    • No matter how hard I try I always find it hard to come back to the UK from hot countries. I don't know if that's what you call post vacation depression but I just have been feeling cold and gloomy since we arrived back.
    • A temperature difference of 15ºC lower: it does not help matters.
    • I'm also very uninspired about buying food here in the UK when I've been getting fresh groceries from a local market almost daily for the last two weeks...
    • Am I the only one who doesn't know what to wear these days? It will either be too cold or too hot or both at once or in rapid succession.
  • At work:
    • Quickly catching up on the quickly moving projects. Sometimes it's easy to get a bit of vertigo with so many things going on, but I try to remind myself of what we're working towards, and refocus.
    • I found a nice thing about Notion: you can embed code (this you probably knew about) but the most interesting bit is that if you select "Mermaid" from the drop down list of languages to syntax highlight, then it renders Mermaid-syntax diagrams in the same page. Meaning you can embed useful diagrams in your pages and they can be updated by editing the code, rather than by getting the diagram source and editing and re-rendering an image and uploading the updated version to the Notion page.
      • At last SOMETHING that means I might make peace with Notion!!
    • Before discovering this I was playing with swimlanes.io which is also a quite neat project - it also lets you describe diagrams with code. But you still have to download images and add them to wherever you want to use them.
    • I've finally started actively learning Go. Right now my combination is (apart from writing back-end code!) watching videos from Ardan Labs, taking notes, and then doing exercises from Exercism.
      • I'm not very familiar with the Exercism interface yet, but it somehow doesn't feel as comfortable as Codecademy (which I used last year when I wanted to refresh my Ruby). There seem to be fewer Go modules in Codecademy than in Exercism though...
      • Also whenever I see Exercism my brain reads it a "Exorcism" and I wonder if the demons are invoked or expelled by writing code.
        • BAD JOKE: the daemons might certainly be brought into existence with code!
    • I was also pleased I helped figure out some other colleague's database bug and prevented them from despairing!
  • Topically appropriate earworm for this week: Espanto - "El último día de las vacaciones"