hello ingrid! gets ready for 2nd stage
And yet another web released today: if you hadn't enough with the neon v2 sneak peek with its demoscene bizarre imaginery, there's also the new hello ingrid! website.
hello ingrid! is naif's new project. As some of you will know, he's a well known dj which comes from the tracking scene of late 90's. He's been quite involved with demoscene during several years; after a little while he found dj'ing as a source of fun and started hello ingrid!
Finally, a year after his public premiere at bcnparty's 2ndstage, and just about before the shortcoming 2ndstage 2005 edition, he's got a web, thanks to Humphrey/Centolos!
You can download the audio from past gigs, and usual stuff. Congrats!