Spanish demoscene (temporarily) owns pouet!

Here's the screenshot of pouet's top of the month, right before the masses start pushing up the assembly'06 releases to the top.

pouet's spanish demoscene ownage!!

There's quite a lot of spanish productions here:

  • tokyo by xplsv (although I'm not really sure about labelling it as spanish, as the main code was made in USA, but the demo itself was baked near Seville, one of the paradigms of the international spanish image. So well...)
  • polarfield by fuzzion
  • envolvente by xplsv
  • katedra by collapse and necrostudios
And if you dig into the extended toplist (click on more... and select more productions, something like this link) you could find also nocturn's NooGenesis in the 18th position, which is also quite cool for a first-time production. Or holy guadalupe! by xplsv in 30th position and die anderung 2 by spontz in the 37th. So come in and let's keep on releasing productions which make it to the top!