Thumbs up for FlashDevelop

Some weeks ago I said bye bye to php, html, css and all those pain inducing drugs for a while, and switched to work mainly with Flash. At the beginning I was using only the Flash IDE and external editors, as I had done since ActionScript2 appeared on stage (pun!!). But I still had a pending task in my to-do list: to have a look at FlashDevelop, specially since Zarate talks so much about it ;-)

I started using FlashDevelop a couple of days ago and I must say that it absolutely makes a difference, and what difference! Once configured, it detects my classes, methods and properties (showing an Outline panel) and helps me writing code with some autocompletion love each time I press the magical dot key, unfolding a list with available methods and properties for the active object.

I suddenly got back that I'm programming for a compiled language feeling. It was so cool! It felt like programming in Java again, but without Java annoyances.

There are some small details that I still haven't had time to tweak, like the sorting method in the outline (currently it seems to be listing everything in the same order than it was defined), or configure it to use Flex2 compiler and all that. But even if I'm just scratching the surface of what can be done with this program, I strongly recommend it. The autocomplete feature is worth a try by itself!

On a side note, I still don't get how Flash's IDE is so 1998 in what regards to the Code editor (the Actions panel). It looks as if it hasn't been given much attention, presumably because they dedicated more resources to Flex and its editor instead.