This week... and beyond
- Monday: shyly open my inbox after a week of holidays, and probably duck to avoid the rolling ball of stale mail coming my way.
- Wednesday: maybe meet Karolina who's in London for a conference!
- Thursday: my talk is closing a conference O_O -- when the organiser mentioned "closing" the day I thought he meant closing the first day, not the second. NO PRESSURE. Although the conf is held at Shoreditch Village Hall, which is a venue where I feel like at home, so I'll probably be OK. There's a meatspace meatup afterwards, and I'm glad it's around Shoreditch too or I'll be dropping on that.
- Friday: MozFest facilitators meeting, and also the Science Fair during the evening (if it is still called Science Fair)
- Saturday and Sunday: MozFest, MozFest, MozFest! Paul Rouget asked me to show WebIDE there, and then Bobby (aka SecretRobotron and your best friend) came up with this idea of a MEGABOOTH where people can go and learn something about app-making in sessions of 5-20 minutes. Of course I can't be all week-end there or I'll basically die of social extenuation, so I asked some friends and together we'll be helping spread the word about Firefox OS development in its various facets: Gaia/Gonk/the operating system itself, Gaia apps, DevTools and WebIDE. Come to the MEGABOOTH and hang with Nicola, Wilson, Francisco, Potch and me! (linking to myself and wondering if the Internet will break with so much recursion, teehee)
That'll be for this week. Beyond, there's a few more conferences---some I can announce and some I can't:
- dotJS -- Paris, France 17th November, which is pretty exciting to be in because the venue and the looks of everything are so sophisticated...!
- OSOM -- Cluj-Napoca, Romania 22th November, which I'm moderately nervous about because I'm keynoting (!!!), but I'm also excited because it's in TRANSYLVANIA!!! :-[
We'll also be hosting a Firefox OS Bug Squash Party at the Mozilla London office the week-end after Halloween. Expect weirdnesses. There are only 5 spots left!
Add to this the new thing I'm working on (details to be revealed as soon as there's something to show) and it makes for a very busy Autumn!
I'm glad I took those holidays past week. I went to Tenerife, which makes it the furthest South I've ever been, and then the highest even in Spain since I climbed to el Teide! Also, my hotel was an hour away from the airport so I rented a car and drove myself around the island. After many years of not driving, that was mega-awesome, and a tad terrifying as well (I'll detail in a future post).
This is going down the hill, with the cable car:
The whole scenery in the National Park is super incredible--it definitely looks like out of this world. Since the rocks are of volcanic origin they have very interesting textures, and are super lightweight, so it was funny to go picking random stones up and realising how little they weighted.
Also the vegetation and fauna were unlike most of what I'd seen before. In particular, the lizards were ENORMOUS. I would be walking and hearing huge noises on the dry leaves, turn around expecting to find a dog or a cat, only to find a huge lizard looking at me. What do they feed them? Maybe it's better not to know... I'll leave you with this not-so-little fella: