

more me
Photo by Shirley Glua, from CascadiaJS 2013


I'm a multifaceted individual which enjoys a good challenge 🤓

My two last roles were as Engineering Manager at two exciting fintechs in London and Berlin, in both of which I worked in areas touching payer/merchant fraud prevention and payment optimisations.

Before that, I worked at Mozilla for a long time performing several roles: Senior Engineer, Developer Advocate and then Engineering Manager at the Developer Tools team, but my overarching theme was empowering developers to build amazing things for the Web.

Right now I'm taking some time off while I consider what my next position will be. While I've done more management than hands-on work in the last years, I'm now looking for engineering/technical leadership roles where I have the chance to be hands-on most of the time. That does not mean I want to hide in a cave and communicate via git commits only, as I love working with others, building cool stuff together and communicating knowledge! But at this moment, I feel considerably more energised by the idea of solving technical rather than people problems, and so that's what I'm seeking.

If you think we should talk, get in touch!

Third person bios for conferences and journalists and etc

  • Short bio: Creative browser crashologist. Building real time audio+graphics experiments with JavaScript; breaking half the browsers in the process. Formerly at Mozilla.
  • Longer bio: Sole has been building real time stuff for longer than she can remember. She worked at Mozilla, helping making the Web the best platform (in general) and the best platform for realtime (in particular). She likes to write demos for fun, often involving Web Audio, WebGL, GIFs and/or cats, and has an uncanny ability to break browsers and find edge cases in the process.

Random facts, because why not?

  • I learnt to read when I was 4, and programming with Logo when I was 8.
  • I was once stung by a massive bee, and survived.
  • When I visit a new town I look for the best coffee instead of the famous sights.
  • I love ruins and abandoned houses.


Send an e-mail to hello [at) soledadpenades.com.

But be aware that:

  • I don't do free consulting or technical support. If you have questions about how to build a given thing, there are plenty of resources available on the internet (it all starts with a search...). If you want me to help you with your project, be prepared to pay for it.
  • Don't send me support requests for any of my open source projects! Please just don't. File issues in the appropriate repositories so that everyone who has the same problem can find it using a search engine and benefit from the solution. As above, if you want my time, prepare to pay for it!
  • Guest posts are NOT WELCOME here. Don't send me requests to publish your "content" on my domain. This is MY WEBSITE, not a publishing house.
  • I do NOT want your help to build any website or mobile application. Please don't send me e-mails offering your services.

If you still send me an email, I'll ignore it, or mark it as junk. No exceptions.