A few drawings from CascadiaJS 2013

I wasn't in condition to draw anything the first day of the conference, with being jetlagged and speaking too.

But on the second day I was able to sketch five of the speakers for the day before I got exhausted again (that probably coinciding with the fact that my body clock was probably starting to shout at me that it was late in the night --in the London night, 8 timezones away-- and it wanted me to SLEEP).

You'll notice that the quality of the drawings quickly degenerates, and I'm quite sorry because the last two speakers I drew were amazing and I don't feel like I rendered them as accurately as I'd wanted to. Maybe next time, friends, maybe next time! :-)

So there we go:

Charles Bihis

Charles Bihis

"When dealing with money, use integers" (video)

David Bruant

David Bruant

"In the ideal world the specs come first but in the real world they come last" (video)

Matthew Bergman

Matthew Bergman

"Why should you trust me to store your data without reading it?" (video)

C J Silverio

C J Silverio

"Time passed, and Moore's Law did its thing... as it always does!" (video)

Raquel Vélez (and her Batbot)

Raquel Vélez

"After working with robots for a while you start giving them names and having conversations..." (video)