Literally spam

I often receive requests for exchanging links and guest posts in this blog, which I dutifully mark as spam since they are fully unsolicited. Today, however, I got a new style of unsolicited request, where someone wants to "be mentioned" by me.

The whole email sounds as if it had gone through several translation-untranslation cycles, and the more I read it the more hilarious that I find it. So here is it, verbatim, except names replaced, and links to the product have been omitted because I'm literally not mentioning them.

Dear Soledad Penadés,

This is XXX from XYZ Technology Co., Ltd. and we've created Whatever, which would be explained in detail below. We are looking for a better coverage of our product and that's why I come to you.

We are a new startup aimed at making life much easier, in other words, rolling the world faster. Whatever is a Chrome extension that helps humans to save pics, pdf files and other web files directly to cloud storages(Dropbox or Google Drive at this moment). With this sword, humans don't need to download their files from Internet first, then rediculously upload them back to Internet again. This surely improves humans' productivity. We care about productivity, though we still get up late in the morning. Files attached are some pics about Whatever, very gentle ones. We believe this is a valuable idea and it is worth being spread wide.

Previously, we were reported by and some other medias worldwide And this one is from a small media but the writer is very talented in literally writting, check it out: (link)

Here is the link to Whatever in Chrome Web Store: (another link) And our home page is (whatever link) You can also download whatever from there. Need more info, please tell me!
Thanks in advance

You're welcome, XYZ =)

Edit: why helping humans and not doges?