Tools for the 21st century musician---super abridged dotJS edition

I attended dotJS yesterday where I gave a very short version of past past week's talk at Full Frontal (18 minutes versus 40).

The conference happened in a theatre and we were asked not to use bright background so I changed my slides to be darker and classier.

It didn't really go as smoothly as I expected (a kernel panic a bit before the start of the talk, and I got nervous and distracted so I got more nervous and...), but I guess I can't always WIN! It was fun to speak in French if only one line, though: Je suis très contente d'être parmi vous!--thanks to Thomas for the assistance in coming up with the perfect presentation line, and Guillaume and Sasha for listening to me repeat it until it resembled passable French!

While the video is edited and released, here's a sample in the form of slides, online and their source code in GitHub.

It was fun to use CSS filters to invert the images so they would not be a big white block on top of a dark background. Yay CSS filters!

.filter-invert {
    filter: invert(100%) brightness(2);

Also, using them in transitions between slides. I discovered that I could blur between slides. Cinematic effects! (sorta, as I cannot get vertical/horizontal blur). But:

.bespoke-active.emphatic-text {
  filter: none;
.bespoke-inactive.emphatic-text {
  filter: blur(10px);

I use my custom plugin presentation-fullscreen for getting real fullscreen in my slides. It's on npm:

npm install presentation-fullscreen --save

then just


will add a new option to the contextual menu for making the whole body go fullscreen.

I shall write about this tip and how I use bespoke.js in general, and a couple thoughts and ideas I had during the conference soon. Topics including (so I don't forget): why a mandatory lack of anonymity is not the solution to doxxing, and the ideal talk length.