How to organise a WebGL event

I got asked this:

Going to organize a series of open, and free, events covering WebGL / Web API [...]

We ended up opting for an educational workshop format. Knowing you have experience with WebGL, I'd like to ask you if you woudl support us in setting up the materials [...]

In the interest of helping more people that might be wanting to start a WebGL group in their town, I'm posting the answer I gave them:

I think you're putting too much faith on me

I first learnt maths and then OpenGL and then WebGL. I can't possibly give you a step by step tutorial that mimics my learning process.

If you have no prior experience with WebGL, I suggest you either look for a (somewhat) local speaker and try to get them to give an introductory talk. Probably people that attend the event will be interested in WebGL already or will get interested after the talk.

Then just get someone from the audience excited about WebGL and have them give the next talk

If you can't find any speaker, then you'll need to become one, and for that you'll need to document yourself. I can't write a curriculum for you, as it will take way more time than I currently have. WebGL implies many things, from understanding JavaScript to understanding 3D geometry and maths, to how to set the whole system up and running on a browser.

Or can start by learning to use a library such as three.js and once you become acquainted with its fundamentals, start digging into "pure WebGL" if you want, for example writing your own custom shaders.

Or another thing you could do is get together a bunch of people interested in WebGL and try to follow along the tutorials on WebGL or the examples on any 3D library or toolkit or framework for the web. So people can discuss aloud what they understand and what they don't, and help and learn from each other.

I hope this helps you find your way around this incredibly vast subject! Good luck and have fun!

Now you know how to do this. Go and organise events! EASY!

It's actually not easy.