Google Calendar shortcuts and tricks

Since I started managing people, I spend a lot of time looking at my calendar!

Here's some shortcuts I use a lot:

  • view:
    • m: month view
    • w: week view
    • d: day view
  • navigation:
    • n: next (if you're in month view, it jumps to next month, if you're in week view, it jumps to next week, etc)
    • p: previous
    • t: jump to today
I have the calendar pinned on the first tab, so ⌘+1 always brings me to it (I think it's CTRL+1 in Windows and Linux).

The first thing I do in the morning is to look at what's in for today--this way I make sure I don't forget to attend important meetings because I get deep down into something else and then I forget. So I will press "d" and "t" to get the calendar to 'day view' plus 'today'.

I use the other shortcuts to quickly flip between dates when I'm booking new events or to find what is upcoming.

There are also shortcuts to create and edit events but I found them not very useful as you still have to modify the time and date of event anyway-I find it easier to use the mouse to schedule this.