Speaking at OneShotLondon NodeConf

"Just turn it into a node module," and other mantras Edna taught me

The story of leaving behind a random mix of Python + php + bash + makefile + Scons scripts to totally embrace using Node, modules, standard callbacks, browserify, and friends to build toys that bleep and bloop with MIDI, WebGL and Web Audio.

As you can maybe deduct, this might not be your average super expert node.js talk, but a story of learning with a non-appointed mentor and an spontaneous community, and improving and making the most out of node.js---and how it informed and shaped the rest of my coding philosophy, both inside and outside of Mozilla.

I must confess that I'm really humbled and flattered to be amongst this amazing line up of true node experts.

UUUUUUUHHH THE EXPECTATIONS!---feeling a bit like an impostor now.

Next next Saturday 19th of July. See you there? :-)