One demo: two new bugs!

I thought that since I was going to the Web Audio Hack Day here in Singapore, it would be great to have a more Web Audio focused Media Recorder demo, so I built a little demo that essentially asks for audio permission, then records a short clip of audio, decodes it as an audio buffer and uses it to loop a BufferSourceNode in Web Audio.

You wouldn't believe what happened next... or would you?

Two Things That Happened When Sole Ran This Demo

1. Chrome Canary Just Totally Gave Up

Aw, snap!

I filed a bug, since there wasn't really much I could do...

2. Nightly Sometimes Insisted In Returning Some Mysterious 596 Samples Length Which Was Totally Not What I Expected, And Did So Without Following Any Meaningful Reproducible Pattern

596 samples for some reason

I tried to dump the contents of the returned blob once read as a buffer, using String.fromCharCode--perhaps looking at binary data while having my breakfast coffee would enlighten me?

I eat hex dumps for breakfast

As it turns out, no. So I filed another bug.

Try this yourself maybe?


The demo is here: instalooper (sources) ... just in case you want to play with the code--maybe it will be fixed next month, who knows!!? Or maybe it is just a bug in my machine and it works in everyone else's!

Disclaimer: I have not tested this anywhere else than Nightly and Canary. So I've no idea of how it works (or not) in mobile.

I have a more complicated version that not only loops the sample but also randomly changes its playback frequency. Sometimes the generated sounds are strangely fascinating. It still needs a bit of interface work, but hey... watch out, Steve Reich! 😎

And now... time to prepare to go to the airport and fly to Melbourne for JSConf.AU! More jetlag, YAY!