Tagged with “ruby”
- Polyglot tracker module data decrunching, processing and crunching
- ladieswhocode 20130508: adventures in paranoia with sinatra+sequel, and networking
- On "Learnable programming" by Bret Victor
- A first impression on Ruby's Mechanize
- My favourite GIMP plug-ins
- ruby in the pub #4 :after
- How to install hpricot in Ubuntu 8.4
- Parsing a del.icio.us export with Hpricot
- Removing elements with Hpricot
- Superminigallery: a gallery with ruby, rmagick and builder
- Extracting data with Hpricot
- London Ruby Users Group brings you back to uni
- PHP will never have a (real) Rails-like framework
- Fighting against ruby, rails, gems, php and apache on mac os x (and maybe something else I forget)