Tagged with “tricks”
- Show all action items assigned to you in your Google drive
- Splitting PDFs into single pages using Automator
- Google Calendar shortcuts and tricks
- Copy using the command line without overwriting existing files
- Don't force users to install node modules globally when you can avoid that
- Fixing a "git mess" with cherry pick (from the command line)
- Using the currentColor CSS keyword
- Navigating Bash history
- Fixing VirtualBox guests losing access to the network when the host has been suspended
- Migrating to a new laptop (or: Apple-inflicted misery, once again)
- npmoffline: installing npm packages from the cache
- Loading webcomponents-lite with require()
- Enabling Wi-Fi direct on your rooted Firefox OS device
- Binding to an specific host with express.js
- lute
- Failproof AJAX requests in Firefox OS
- Modules in PhantomJS
- classList: easily manipulate CSS classes with plain JavaScript
- Fix "Can't locate SVN/Core.pm in @INC" with Arch Linux
- Inskcape custom palettes
- Inkscape cloning