Instantanea 1.4.2
I uploaded the update yesterday, but the Market was still showing the old description and pictures, so I didn't bother posting about it until they flushed their very jealous cache.
Which means that Instantanea has an update! The first in many months! (I actually had been working on a myriad of things since then, so I've got an excuse).
It's not an exceptional big update but provides for the top couple of things people were repeatedly asking for:
- the ability to change the folder where pictures are stored
- and the ability to configure whether the device vibrates (or not) when a picture is taken
The first one was really a MUST if people wanted to use Instantanea to take pictures and have them automatically uploaded to Google Plus, since for whatever the reason Google Plus doesn't seem to be listening to changes in the Media files in the phone, and apparently only checks the /DCIM/Camera folder. So if you want, you can reset the folder to that location with a simple touch, and get your Instantanea pictures uploaded to Google Plus easily.
The second feature was also something people wanted semidesperately, as when phones get older, they also get slightly cranky and they vibrate in a junky, erratic way--just as if they were to fall apart, in other words. I saw that effect on a somewhat old Nexus One and immediately understood this was pretty relevant.
Finally Instantanea now has a way nicer shutter button! Yay!
Which feature(s) would you like to have in the application?