"An introduction to Web Components" at Manchester Geek Nights
I was in Manchester last week for a Manchester Geek Night meetup organised by ThoughtWorks North. I gave an overview about Web Components, and potential issues regarding accessibility / SEO, and using them with some of the popular frameworks:
Slides: online - source code.
It's kind of similar to my jQuery UK talk, but updated, because many things have changed since March.
Yet people in the audience are mostly still not using Web Components or don't plan to do so for the time being. They are mostly happy with the UI options provided by their framework of choice, or what they do doesn't really justify the investment that Web Components require.
I am however hopeful that browser vendors have finally agreed on something and things are starting to move towards a minimal, commonly agreed with, implementation of something-web-component.
But I am going to politely decline doing talks about Web Components until the tech is a bit more stable. I am not working actively with UI/Web Components stuff at the moment so preparing these talks requires a huge investment of time (as I don't like telling lies, or lies by accident).