Tagged with “talks”

  1. Web Components: an introduction, and two different approaches
  2. Designer vs Developer #13: designing tools for CSS Grid and variable fonts
  3. Designer vs Developer (making of)
  4. Notes on JSConf Australia 2016
  5. Notes on CSSConf Asia 2016
  6. A telegram from Singapore
  7. Talking about Servo in Hackference Birmingham 2016
  8. "Hands-On Web Audio" at London JS meetup
  9. ColdFront 2016
  10. How to write a talk
  11. Nodevember 2015: my keynote, and a novel in four chapters
  12. Events coming up next: August and September
  13. "An introduction to Web Components" at Manchester Geek Nights
  14. Open letter to someone that should know better
  15. Superturbocharging Firefox OS app development with node-firefox
  16. jQuery UK 2015
  17. How to organise a WebGL event
  18. Questions time after a talk: what about no?
  19. Assorted bits and pieces
  20. "Invest in the future, build for the web!", take 2, at OSOM
  21. Tools for the 21st century musician---super abridged dotJS edition
  22. Tools for the 21st century musician
  23. This week... and beyond
  24. "Just turn it into a node module", and other mantras Edna taught me
  25. Speaking at CascadiaJS 2014
  26. How to be successful at writing conference proposals
  27. Invest in the future: build for the web!
  28. Speaking at LXJS 2014
  29. Speaking at GOTO Amsterdam 2014
  30. Speaking at WebVisions Barcelona 2014
  31. chat.meatspac.es - from fun experiment to global community
  32. Speaking at CascadiaJS 2013: Audio Tags: Web Components + Web Audio = <3
  33. Meatspaces, decentralisation and miniAPIs
  34. Four to the floor JavaScript—the video!
  35. Speaking at GDG Barcelona DevFest 2013
  36. Lightning talk at ladieswhocode, 13th of August 2013
  37. Speaking at JSConf EU 2013
  38. ladieswhocode 20130508: adventures in paranoia with sinatra+sequel, and networking