Moving to the DevTools team
As of this week I am working in the DevTools team.
This isn't entirely surprising, given that I've been collaborating with this team a lot in the past (proof!) and also that I care a lot about making sure web developers have the best tools so they can build the best web ever.
I will be managing a few folks and also plan on getting some bugs fixed myself (famous last words? 😏). I also am going to give the talks I agreed to give, so I will still be attending Hackference (Birmingham), CSSConf Asia (Singapore) and JSConf AU (Melbourne).
I'm very excited both about the future and about working with this team full time! Yasss!
It is bittersweet to leave my former team as my colleagues are very cool, but we keep working closely together, and I intend to keep using my devrel-ing skills to announce all the cool stuff coming out of my new team. We will keep building cross team synergies! 😝
🌞 Onward! 🌞