Talking about Web Audio in WeCodeSign Podcast
I recorded an episode for the WeCodeSign podcast. It's in Spanish!
You can download / listen from their website or from the Internet archive page.
We actually talked about more than Web Audio; there's a list of links to things we mentioned during the episode. From progressive enhancement to Firefox's Web Audio editor, to the old PCMania tracking stories, to Firefox for iOS... lots of things!
I was really pleased with the experience. The guys were really good at planning, and did a great job editing the podcast as well (and they use Audacity!).
Totally recommended—in fact I suggested that both my fantastic colleague Belén and the very cool Buriticá are interviewed at some point in the future.
I'd love to hear what they have to say!
Throwback to the last time I recorded a podcast in Spanish--at least this time I wasn't under a massive cold! 🙃
NOTE: I replaced some links as the podcast domain was dead. Thank you Wayback machine for saving us from linkrot!