Morning game in the tube
There's just one rule and it's very simple: just try to reach your workplace by tube while half of the network is delayed, severely delayed or definitely closed. I.e.: Circle, Metropolitan and Hammersmith closed, Northern Line semi closed and delayed in the rest of the line. The other lines are packed as usual in the morning rush. Sounds funny, uh?
There are some minor rules which apply. These rules are sponsored by Mr. Murphy:
- When you take one train, the restrictions which apply to your destination station might have changed. For example it can be closed while you're heading towards there. Your train can be stopped in the middle of two stations, or in one station. In this late case, the driver will try to calm down the passengers promising them that the train is to depart shortly. They know he's lying and has a pessimistic feeling that the line is going to be suspended shortly instead but does his best to make them believe him.
- When changing between lines, all the escalators will be packed with people (so the queues for boarding the escalators will reach the platform). Sometimes there's an alternative stair which you can gently use, so your legs enjoy some morning exercise, but that just happens when the number of steps is more than 20, or an equivalent height of 15 m.
- When entering a train somebody will stick his elbow or suitcase on your back, and won't be able to remove it until the next station, as there's not space to undo that human tetris combination.
- Ugly people will step on your feet in a 90% of cases. 99% if your feet hurt because of your new shoes. 100% if you're wearing flip flops or sandals. They will never say sorry. You can insult them if you feel relief... Hijoputa is allowed, short and easy. If you fear they can understand such famous spanish words, try using something less known such as botarate, cretino or giliflautas.
- When you arrive to your final destination it will be raining and you will discover you've forgotten your umbrella.