- Dock dockless bikes
- Out of chaos comes bliss (with Cerys Matthews)
- Beyond Bauhaus at RIBA
- Videoing and cycling the Cycle Super Highway 6 Northbound
- Test cycling the Cycle Super Highway 6 Northbound
- Three exhibitions
- Designer vs Developer #13: designing tools for CSS Grid and variable fonts
- Designer vs Developer (making of)
- Notes from The Lead Developer conference 2017, day 2
- Notes from The Lead Developer conference 2017, day 1
- The cycling experiment: using a TFL bike after years of Brompton
- How to get a new bike (without actually buying a new one)
- How does one survive cycling in London?
- New cycle achievement unlocked
- Electric Berlin to Spring-ish London
- "Hands-On Web Audio" at London JS meetup
- Post #mozlondon
- Two for one
- Three stories about coffee
- And the NodeBots from London assembled
- A peek at Peer to Peer
- And about 500 km later...
- Possible futures, and nodebotting
- Reading list, 5
- Introduction to Web Components
- Assorted bits and pieces
- Biking!
- Firefox OS Bug Squash party
- MozFest 2014, day 2
- MozFest 2014 days 0, 1
- A VERY BELATED Mozilla Festival 2013 post
- Functional JS, IRC servers and the internet of things
- "Just turn it into a node module", and other mantras Edna taught me
- PyLadies' Web scraping workshop at Mozilla London
- On EdgeConf London 2014
- EdgeConf London, Audio Tags, and Web MIDI
- chat.meatspac.es - from fun experiment to global community
- LNUG meet-up January 2014
- HUMACCHINA preview
- Mozilla on Android
- "Lua, the world's most infuriating language"
- Building web apps, one Brick at a time!
- Speaking at Over The Air 2013
- Hacked.io 2013
- The unexpected wrath of the angry developer
- "My neighbour Totoro", and more mysteries at the Prince Charles Cinema
- Starstruck week
- ladieswhocode 20130508: adventures in paranoia with sinatra+sequel, and networking
- Yahoo! Hack day Europe 2013
- Tiga GameHackDays 2013, day 3 (and final!)
- Tiga GameHackDays 2013, day 2
- Tiga GameHackDays 2013, day 1
- Firefox OS App day at London
- Google Web Lab + the Oramics machine at the Science Museum
- Hire a car, get wi-fi
- Valencia, Barcelona, London
- "London-NY (and back)" for Amazon Kindle!
- London-New York (and back), via Hong Kong, Macau, Tokyo and San Francisco
- The (Spanish) guide to working in London
- ruby in the pub #4 :after
- BAA sells Gatwick. So what?
- "tube" sources released
- London Ruby Users Group brings you back to uni
- Being understood
- BarCampLondon2 :after
- BarCampLondon2
- Pop, candies and confetti
- Long life to polka dots
- Hidden London: East & East Center
- Liverpool Street mob con
- At Game On!
- She's on Piccadilly Circus
- Using skeletons for selling books
- Living in civilization is so cool!
- Gastroscene goes japanese
- Pizza On Rails september 2006
- Nice clothes display
- Sushi!
- Bath literature
- Working in W1
- Impressions on Fruitstock'06
- I shouldn't be writing this here...
- Euskal 14 live report (I)
- Accidente de metro en Valencia
- Real time Fairlight
- I wish I had been there
- Jeff Barr spoke about Amazon Web Services yesterday!
- I just saw "Death Line" and thought...
- Morning game in the tube
- Police show at lunchtime
- Heatwaves
- The making of "tube"/xplsv
- A rare atmosphere
- On King's Cross ticket gates
- Start calmly, then increase the rhythm
- Eavesdropping in the corridor
- ¡El fin del mundo!
- Say NO! (by The No Foundation)
- Second hand and bargain bookshop
- Humor en el hipermercado
- Una lleva demasiado tiempo en Londres...
- Tube fashion victims
- Las aventuras de un cartón de leche en el metro
- ¿Entonces ya es Navidad?
- ¿Entonces no te gusta divertirte?
- don't worry, I am alive!!
- move your body
- happy!
- Ahora sí que es London
- Lo que nunca creíste que podrías ver
- Esto parece Whitechapel
- Trabajando en domingos
- ¿Truco o trato?
- Rosa contra negro
- Moda y breakbeats
- Alucinaciones
- exhausted
- Diferencias culturales
- Horror en el hipermercado
- Pardas y pardos
- Vuelve el gótico (avance de moda londinense)
- Coming back
- Spain owns half of London
- Randomly scattered rantings
- Horrores de la vida cotidiana
- Policías, bomberos y ambulancias (Londres 21 julio)
- La vida después del 7 de julio
- Argh!
- Circle Line: Worst Line Ever!
- ¡Cuatro días!
- coffee houses
- Pesadilla en Old Street!!
- Cuando tres días se convierten en 12 horas
- Visita al Science Museum
- It's not my fault!
- Ipod MiniShuffle
- British delights (II): ¡Un metro con misterio!
- Eau de naftaline
- ¡Qué fuerte!
- El tabaco apesta
- ¡La última oportunidad para ver a Caractacus!
- grrrr
- Todo el día mirando por la ventana
- ya era hora!
- Cursos de español
- weather forecast: sleet
- happy (chinese) new year!
- Social Security, Chapter I: Racista con los racistas
- Cinco minutos
- gastroscene@london
- Esto es una estafa
- Moda inglesa
- Pucca, Jessica Fletcher y las pajaritas
- Vamos a volar
- No cuesta tanto
- Alcachofas para tiiii
- cold cold weather!!
- i move to london
- la mala educación