"Hands-On Web Audio" at London JS meetup

I gave my "Hands-On Web Audio" talk at the London JS meetup, held at the offices of Just Eat. It was broadcasted as a Hangout, and also recorded so you can replay or see if you couldn't attend:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIcTU5RbrhM BAAAAH they seem to have deleted or disabled the video. BAHHHHH!

If you want to play along, the slides are live here and here is the source code as well. Disclaimer: depending on your computer, they might be a bit too much in both Firefox or Chrome. There seems to have been a regression and the intro sound is extremely stuttering in "slower" computers (slower as in "a MacBook Retina").

It was a bit awkward because their big screen was actually six TVs and most of the content in my slides is centered vertically on the slide, which coincided with the middle of the frames, so it was quite unreadable. That is why you'll hear a number of comments akin to "oh this is very inconvenient" from me, during the talk.

After I finished the talk itself, we had a round of questions, and I also showed how to debug web audio with the Web Audio editor in Firefox DevTools.

Feedback on the talk seems really positive and I'm happy people got interested in playing with the Web Audio API and making dubstep! YES!

Great talk! I left inspired to go play. I'd used some features of the audio API before but Sole's enthusiasm and dubstep obsession triggered a string desire to get creative with it again.
Spectacular demo by Soledad. She really knows what she's talking about
I'm really happy that people were happy and interested in the API :-)

Side note, 1

A few people asked me about the slides: how are they made?! are they WebGL?! can they use the system to make their own slides?

Answer: they are WebGL, and they use three.js underneath. Right now the system is quite hardcoded, but I'm happy to announce that I'm working on refactoring the code so anyone can build their own 3D slide deck, using their own demo scenes. So I guess I am building a slide deck framework... 😬 #sendhelp

You can have a look at the project here, but don't send me requests yet, kthx. An online demo is available as well. Right now it can only render basic H1-H4 and P nodes... in 3D! Not bad!

Side note, 2

I was really excited that I made it to the meetup (!), because I forgot my phone home that morning. I found out when I was in the office already, and I didn't want to go back. So I printed the map and started cycling to the meetup place. Except I didn't know very well the area, so I got lost twice. Not too bad though, I stopped and produced my paper map and let people look at me with weird looks ("she's looking at a paper map!"). Anyway, I used:

a) my brain, instead of trusting everything to a GPS enabled device b) those little maps in the street showing where you are

and I made it!

The way back was easier as I knew the area before. I tracked my route using my fitbit, and was really pleased to see that I had reached almost 30km/h on my humble Brompton.

It was coincidentally also Cycle To Work day yesterday, so I was doubly pleased that I cycled to work and also to meet up.

Should there be a Cycle To Meetup day too? I think so 😏