Tagged with “ubuntu”
- Distro/desktop (s)hopping, part 2: XFCE
- Distro/desktop (s)hopping, part 1: KDE
- Unicode emoticons with GNOME's Character Map
- Honeycomb, MTP and Linux
- Updating 'geometry' in TexLive + Ubuntu
- Using shared network printers in Ubuntu
- Misclinklanea, 2
- ArchLinux: looking good
- Fixing the Netgear WPN311 system freezes in Ubuntu
- Diff'ing with RapidSVN
- Where is the JDK!?
- Firefox 64 bit (Ubuntu)
- Unknown input or output format: x11grab (Ubuntu)
- ffmpeg ERROR: libx264 version must be >= 0.78
- dig
- Roll your own ffmpeg build
- Generate bitmap font: a little plug-in for The Gimp
- Mac mini as a headless server
- What package does this file belong to?
- Arduino and ubuntu
- How to install hpricot in Ubuntu 8.4
- mod_rewrite, mod_negotiation and empty $_GET's
- Installing the PSP toolchain in Ubuntu
- Common GUI design mistake, fixed in Ubuntu
- Ubuntu and normal people
- XSL with PHP in Ubuntu
- Ubuntu and the demoscene
- Sundown 06 - Oldskool graphics compo (and brief today's summary)
- Becoming a sudoer again
- You must be a linux expert