Tagged with “funny”

  1. Eurobingo
  2. The furthest I've ever been
  3. But was it *really* installed successfully?
  4. JSConf.eu 2014
  5. chat.meatspac.es - from fun experiment to global community
  6. perriscript
  7. Ya no sé hablar español
  8. Web Components, in dogescript
  9. Sir, yes, sir!
  10. The dangers of being too open-minded
  12. Unicode emoticons with GNOME's Character Map
  13. ie6 for Android
  14. 2012 (Eclipse Helios remix)
  15. Scons-fusion
  16. Don't
  17. Easyjet: the most senior friendly airline ever!
  18. Stack overbooooom
  19. Open interval version number
  20. How to recruit curious people, the automattic way
  21. eBay scams
  22. The BBC accidentally reveals some source code
  23. Damn geeks (and more)
  24. Common GUI design mistake, fixed in Ubuntu
  25. Incendiary fun
  26. A quote on TeX
  27. Let us mind our own business
  28. Fed up with comment spam?
  29. Is tagging really that bad?
  30. Hey, Technorati, are you going to fix this anytime soon?
  31. Mapspam
  33. The next captcha generation for myspace forms
  34. British Airways do not like Spanish names
  35. Managerial approaches to Web 2.0
  36. Bricks and ruled paper (a short story)
  37. Liverpool Street mob con
  38. ¡Observar por favor!
  39. I definitely rule
  40. Using skeletons for selling books
  41. Living in civilization is so cool!
  42. As seen on books only...
  43. The lastminute WTF
  44. Bath literature
  45. Curso de ética blog-comentarística
  46. Euskal 14 live report (v)
  47. Peloton
  48. El fin del mundo, confirmado
  49. Que vivan las decenas
  50. Que vivan las quincenas
  51. Pues yo no soy friki
  52. Be careful with language packs...
  53. Undoubtedly, this is not a heaven signal
  54. Smelly code
  55. ¿Adiós o hasta luego?
  56. Morning game in the tube
  57. Friday...
  58. My new friend
  59. Finding people on Google Maps
  60. Annoying sounds
  61. Hell of sand
  62. Eavesdropping in the corridor
  63. What if microsoft did an ipod (II)?: The package
  64. What if microsoft did an ipod?
  65. Say NO! (by The No Foundation)
  66. Space Invaders: the real story
  67. Humor en el hipermercado
  68. Egosearch-ing
  69. Una lleva demasiado tiempo en Londres...
  70. Desastre total 3
  71. Tube fashion victims
  72. Mi pobre karma...
  73. Bolsas de papel
  74. ¿Entonces no te gusta divertirte?
  75. Internet explorer meets the Demoscene
  76. Perversa manipuladora
  77. happy!
  78. How to write unmaintainable code
  79. El telefono loco
  80. Destarifo
  81. Horrores de la vida cotidiana
  82. this page has been hacked
  83. Miopísimo