All the posts

Here's all the posts in the blog.

  1. Archiving old GitHub projects properly
  2. Lessons learned updating code that uses Web Audio
  3. Debugging JavaScript in iOS
  4. Out of chaos comes bliss (with Cerys Matthews)
  5. Eurobingo
  6. Get the VSCode ESLint plugin to read flat config files
  7. Whose dependency is it? (AKA who is making npm print warnings on install?)
  8. Don't be lazy, use ln
  9. Publishing a WordPress plug-in to the official directory with Subversion
  10. Missing XLRD dependency when loading an Excel file with Pandas
  11. Upgrading to the new ESLint config
  12. From zero to hello (world)
  13. Web Speech to Web Audio?
  14. Mastodon
  15. 13 years later... I wrote a WordPress plug-in again!
  16. Week notes [2022/38]
  17. Week notes [2022/37]
  18. Week notes [2022/36]
  19. Week notes [2022/35]
  20. Week notes [2022/34]
  21. Week notes [2022/33]
  22. Week notes [2022/32]
  23. De-HEIC-ifying images
  24. Multilingual text to speech
  25. Hardware tinkering, 2020+ edition
  26. Backing up Kindle books
  27. Books for new engineering managers
  28. Podcasts I'm listening to, 2020 edition
  29. Beyond Bauhaus at RIBA
  30. Last day at Mozilla
  31. Looking back at 2018
  32. Videoing and cycling the Cycle Super Highway 6 Northbound
  33. Bike amortisation
  34. Test cycling the Cycle Super Highway 6 Northbound
  35. Three exhibitions
  36. Designer vs Developer #13: designing tools for CSS Grid and variable fonts
  37. Has The Guardian been duped?
  38. Emerging from hibernation
  39. Designer vs Developer (making of)
  40. Automate personalising and sharing documents with Apps Script
  41. Looking back at 2017
  42. Was it `from XYZ import ABC` or was it `import ABC from XYZ`?
  43. Tell me more about this intriguing future
  44. No Twitter month
  45. Show all action items assigned to you in your Google drive
  46. Random thoughts on a Saturday
  47. How to solve the "aborting due to worker thread panic" error message while compiling Firefox on a virtual machine
  48. Four parts of your body that get out of shape when you work with computers all day long
  49. Splitting PDFs into single pages using Automator
  50. Millenials are ruining web development!!
  51. Dodging garbage fires
  52. Service Workers in iOS?!!!!111one
  53. Laptop alternatives to Mac
  54. "Would you like a receipt?"
  55. Google Calendar shortcuts and tricks
  56. "*Utils" classes can be a code smell: an example
  57. Organising files in Google drive
  58. If using ES6 `extends`, call `super()` before accessing `this`
  59. I tried a Segway
  60. I'm a module peer for DevTools now
  61. Copy using the command line without overwriting existing files
  62. Publishing to gh-pages from Travis CI
  63. The furthest I've ever been
  64. Giving things up to find out if you really liked them, or: a year without drinking coke
  65. Don't force users to install node modules globally when you can avoid that
  66. Notes from The Lead Developer conference 2017, day 2
  67. Notes from The Lead Developer conference 2017, day 1
  68. BT turned on "Web protect" for me
  69. How to make your speaker line up more diverse
  70. The cycling experiment: using a TFL bike after years of Brompton
  71. How to get a new bike (without actually buying a new one)
  72. Fixing a "git mess" with cherry pick (from the command line)
  73. How does one survive cycling in London?
  74. New cycle achievement unlocked
  75. Electric Berlin to Spring-ish London
  76. Extreme decoupling or all-as-a-module
  77. A very quiet Saturday
  78. Art prompts
  79. Looking back at 2016
  80. Notes on JSConf Australia 2016
  81. Notes on CSSConf Australia 2016
  82. Using the currentColor CSS keyword
  83. Notes on Web Audio Hackday Singapore 2016
  84. Notes on Live.JS at JSConf.Asia 2016
  85. Notes on CSSConf Asia 2016
  86. CSS/JSConf.AU:after
  87. One demo: two new bugs!
  88. A telegram from Singapore
  89. To Singapore! (and other unrelated things)
  90. Metalsmith blog example
  91. Talking about Servo in Hackference Birmingham 2016
  92. Moving to the DevTools team
  93. Talking about Web Audio in WeCodeSign Podcast
  94. "Hands-On Web Audio" at London JS meetup
  95. Progressive enhancement does not mean "works when JavaScript is disabled"
  96. ColdFront 2016
  97. Teetotalling month
  98. How to write a talk
  99. Article about the MediaRecorder API in .net magazine
  101. Web Animations: why and when to use them, and some demos we wrote
  102. Why I won't talk about being a woman in tech (and neither should you)
  103. Volumio: a Raspberry Pi jukebox
  104. Polyglot tracker module data decrunching, processing and crunching
  105. Post #mozlondon
  106. The P-word
  107. Fashion trends in slide decks
  108. Why is Instagram not a website (yet)?
  109. A first for everything: Greece, Denmark, Norway
  110. Two for one
  111. Taking a break
  112. In Uruguay
  113. Stop wasting my time
  114. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt
  115. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 8: more cool things about Let's Encrypt
  116. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 7: a workflow to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS
  117. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 6: WordPress considerations
  118. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 5: I have HTTPS, and now what?
  119. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 4: hardening default setups and avoiding known vulnerabilities
  120. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 3: using Let's Encrypt
  121. Securing your self-hosted website with Let’s Encrypt, part 2: HTTPS and certificate authorities
  122. Securing your self-hosted website with Let's Encrypt, part 1
  123. I finally moved this blog to https (with Let's Encrypt)
  124. Navigating Bash history
  125. Web Audio Conference 2016 proceedings
  126. Raspberry Pi 3: first impressions
  127. This is why C is a useful language
  128. Three stories about coffee
  129. Fixing VirtualBox guests losing access to the network when the host has been suspended
  130. Travel hacks: to check in or not to check in luggage
  131. Score another one for the web!
  132. And the NodeBots from London assembled
  133. An e-mail from "Larry Page" (or my favourite spam in a while)
  134. A peek at Peer to Peer
  135. From very annoying thing to slightly less annoying thing (and serial, and temperature sensors, and...)
  136. No more tap tap tap sounds: yay!
  137. Hardware Hack Day @ MozLDN, 1
  138. Kind of bricking an Arduino Duemilanove by exhausting its memory
  139. If you want me to send a proposal to your conference, provide an English version for your site
  140. Nodevember 2015: my keynote, and a novel in four chapters
  141. Open source is super amazing (except for when it isn't)
  142. Making things, and a very annoying thing
  143. Speaking in 2016
  144. On Loop 2015
  145. Some additional thoughts on the recent discussion about "frameworks vs vanilla JS" on mobile
  146. But was it *really* installed successfully?
  147. Migrating to a new laptop (or: Apple-inflicted misery, once again)
  148. Random thoughts on a jetlagged day
  149. Events coming up: October and November
  150. tween.js mega changes
  151. Events coming up next: August and September
  152. "An introduction to Web Components" at Manchester Geek Nights
  153. And about 500 km later...
  154. Possible futures, and nodebotting
  155. A three.js npm template
  156. Organising my music collection with find and ffmpeg
  157. Today's accidental success, or how I scared this random caller away without even realising it
  158. npmoffline: installing npm packages from the cache
  159. Open letter to someone that should know better
  160. safeRegisterElement
  161. "The disconnected ensemble", at JSConf.Budapest
  162. Reading list, 6
  163. Travel hacks: packing light
  164. What did I do in New York?
  165. Loading webcomponents-lite with require()
  166. Reading list, 5
  167. Solving the "multiple MacVim instances" confusion
  168. Running a web server on the front-end
  169. Reading list, 4
  170. Getting logs of your Firefox OS device
  171. Front-end mDNS: announcing and finding network services with JavaScript
  172. Reading list, 3
  173. install-to-adb with command line tool!
  174. Enabling Wi-Fi direct on your rooted Firefox OS device
  175. Reading list, 2
  176. Ways people are unintentionally creepy
  177. Random thoughts on a day off
  178. Reading list, 1
  179. Superturbocharging Firefox OS app development with node-firefox
  180. Install to ADB: installing packaged Firefox OS apps to USB connected phones (using ADB)
  181. jQuery UK 2015
  182. In Berlin next week - what are the cool meetups I should attend?
  183. webpack vs browserify
  184. How to keep contributors when they are not even contributors yet
  185. The bumpy road to learning Ember.js
  186. How to organise a WebGL event
  187. tween.js: what's next?
  188. Promise.resolve(node-firefox)
  189. Notes on FOSDEM 2015
  190. CascadiaJS 2015
  191. Notes on the Web Audio Conference
  192. Questions time after a talk: what about no?
  193. Introduction to Web Components
  194. Moving to the evangelism team
  195. Hashing passwords with Bcrypt and node.js
  196. Danger Dashboard: for the adventurous `dom.webcomponents.enabled` enablers
  197. Assorted bits and pieces
  198. Why I check for length === 0
  199. Biking!
  200. Meanwhile, in Mozlandia...
  201. It's not that you cannot understand this...
  202. Publishing a Firefox add-on without using
  203. "Invest in the future, build for the web!", take 2, at OSOM
  204. Using the Firefox Developer Edition dark theme with Nightly
  205. The ideal talk length
  206. Tools for the 21st century musician---super abridged dotJS edition
  207. Firefox OS Bug Squash party
  208. Full Frontal 2014
  209. Tools for the 21st century musician
  210. Native smooth scrolling with JS
  211. MozFest 2014, day 2
  212. MozFest 2014 days 0, 1
  213. A VERY BELATED Mozilla Festival 2013 post
  214. This week... and beyond
  215. "All hearts beating as 1"
  216. Using a Flame as my main phone, day 3
  217. Using a Flame as my main phone, day 1
  218. Explicit vs implicit consent
  219. Berlin Web Audio Hack Day 2014
  220. 2014
  221. Extensible Web Summit Berlin: notes and thoughts on some of the sessions
  222. Extensible Web Summit Berlin 2014: my lightning talk on Web Components
  223. Functional JS, IRC servers and the internet of things
  224. Faux 8-bit
  225. Keeping clean
  226. Audio for the masses
  227. Berlin Web Audio Hack Day
  228. From Webcam to Animated GIF: the Secret Behind!
  229. "Just turn it into a node module", and other mantras Edna taught me
  230. Extensible Web Summit Berlin
  231. The app incident
  232. Literally spam
  233. Binding to an specific host with express.js
  234. lute
  235. Speaking at OneShotLondon NodeConf
  236. PyLadies' Web scraping workshop at Mozilla London
  237. Speaking at CascadiaJS 2014
  238. Irssi
  239. WAC - the Web Audio Conference
  240. window.devicePixelRatio
  241. How to be successful at writing conference proposals
  242. Invest in the future: build for the web!
  243. Giving feedback
  244. Freaking out
  245. tween.js r14
  246. On CSSConf + JSConf 2014
  247. Inspecting the Web Audio Vocoder demo with Firefox's new Web Audio inspector
  248. E-mail management tricks that will change your life FOREVER
  249. Speaking at LXJS 2014
  250. On EdgeConf London 2014
  251. Speaking at GOTO Amsterdam 2014
  252. A year at Mozilla!
  253. What does the Battery API report on a desktop computer?
  254. ScotlandJS 2014 - day 2
  255. ScotlandJS 2014 - day 1
  256. tween.js r13
  257. Speaking at WebVisions Barcelona 2014
  258. From the city of FOMOnto
  259. What have I been working on? (2014/03)
  260. They're looking for a smart guy
  261. Web Components !== silver bullet
  262. EdgeConf London, Audio Tags, and Web MIDI
  263. On HSBC's fraud detection algorithm and terrible customer service
  264. Failproof AJAX requests in Firefox OS
  265. Mozilla Brick 1.0 + Hacks post!
  266. What have I been working on? (2014/02)
  267. Firefox now implementing the latest Custom Element spec
  268. Travel hacks: sleep
  269. Firefox OS Simulator is now a component in Bugzilla
  270. - from fun experiment to global community
  271. What have I been working on? (2014/01)
  272. Compressing files with node.js
  273. LNUG meet-up January 2014
  274. Gender neutral Spanish (or any other "vulgar Latin" language)
  275. My nerd story
  276. Shadow DOM in Firefox!
  277. npm scripts
  278. Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!
  279. Demozoo is back!
  280. perriscript
  281. Snake serendipity
  282. "Mozilla's new technologies" (for Mozilla Power'13)
  283. Mac or Linux? (2013-almost 2014 edition)
  284. and Peter Griffin
  285. Ya no sé hablar español
  286. Airport brain dump
  287. Invitada en "ñerds" especial 004
  288. A few drawings from CascadiaJS 2013
  289. Audio Tags: Web Components + Web Audio = ♥—the video!
  290. Sleep deprivation fuelled ideas
  291. Full Frontal Conf 2013
  292. Six months at Mozilla
  293. Web Components, in dogescript
  294. Speaking at CascadiaJS 2013: Audio Tags: Web Components + Web Audio = <3
  295. sorollet.js README refresh + Firefox compatibility
  296. tween.js r12
  297. Modules in PhantomJS
  298. HUMACCHINA preview
  299. Meatspaces, decentralisation and miniAPIs
  300. Four to the floor JavaScript—the video!
  301. Mozilla on Android
  302. "Lua, the world's most infuriating language"
  303. My Mozilla Summit pictures
  304. Moz Stumbler and Mozilla location services
  305. Speaking at GDG Barcelona DevFest 2013
  306. Building web apps, one Brick at a time!
  307. Brickpresso
  308. Speaking at Over The Air 2013
  309. Writing Web Audio API code that works on every browser
  310. "3400 miles below" now working with Firefox
  311. Lightning talk at ladieswhocode, 13th of August 2013
  312. Speaking at JSConf EU 2013
  313. QuNeo + node.js + node-osc
  314. aafm + Firefox OS
  315. 2013
  316. input type="file" on Firefox OS 1.0.1
  317. Freír, freír, freír
  318. to_the_beat // js
  319. The unexpected wrath of the angry developer
  320. "My neighbour Totoro", and more mysteries at the Prince Charles Cinema
  321. DemoJS + JS pride
  322. www fail
  323. Starstruck week
  324. Getting a micro SIM (a tale of efficiency, II)
  325. Using $environment variables for configuring Vim
  326. Installing Firefox Nightly in your Android device
  327. ladieswhocode 20130508: adventures in paranoia with sinatra+sequel, and networking
  328. Extension cables are the new SPAM
  329. Joining Mozilla
  330. Yahoo! Hack day Europe 2013
  331. Recovering lost files
  332. git --newbie-mode-on
  333. Competitive salaries under the sun
  334. Mac or Lenovo?
  335. Yes, but you're just not doing it
  336. Usable open source repositories
  337. Why "no vendor prefixes" is good
  338. Menciones aquí y allí
  339. Using Google Closure style + linter with Vim
  340. Feeds are dead, long live feeds!
  341. tween.js r10
  342. Using Syntastic+JSHint for Javascript syntax checking on Vim
  343. Twitter app for Android maybe going a little bit too far
  344. Porting my phone number between operators (a tale of efficiency)
  345. Tiga GameHackDays 2013, day 3 (and final!)
  346. Tiga GameHackDays 2013, day 2
  347. Tiga GameHackDays 2013, day 1
  348. awards discontinued, hence the demoscene must be dying... right?
  349. tween.js r9
  350. Swapping hard drives between Mac Minis
  351. Firefox OS App day at London
  352. What I've been confused with this week
  353. Firefox, display: box, display: flex
  354. Add a real skill (AKA beating a dead horse)
  355. Google Web Lab + the Oramics machine at the Science Museum
  356. Hire a car, get wi-fi
  357. Snow shader tutorial!
  358. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 LE resuscitated!
  359. tween.js r8
  360. Please make the world a better place
  361. Back to my recent past
  362. A failure... and a solved enigma
  363. What will 2013 bring you?
  364. phpMyID fork
  365. Vector sneak peek
  366. Durability, reliability, recoverability
  367. classList: easily manipulate CSS classes with plain JavaScript
  368. WIP 20121207 - synth patches
  369. WIP 20121204 - GUI galore
  370. Conference gifts
  371. Found books
  372. WIP 20121127 - LISTEN, WORLD!
  373. WIP 20121122 - Making some noise!
  374. WIP 20121121
  375. WIP 20121120
  376. I pressed 'Cancel'
  377. Sir, yes, sir!
  378. HUELGA de brazos caídos
  379. Developers... developers...
  380. GDG DevFest Barcelona 2012
  381. The dangers of being too open-minded
  382. SIX in One change cartridge
  384. Valencia, Barcelona, London
  385. Fix "Can't locate SVN/ in @INC" with Arch Linux
  386. Usable open source project pages
  387. A tribute to MeteoriK/Approximate
  388. And talking about Logo as a learning environment...
  389. Before and after
  390. On "Learnable programming" by Bret Victor
  391. aafm revision 5
  392. Skeuofunctionalism
  393. WIP 2012 09
  394. When was the last time you took an analog picture?
  395. Mozilla Firefox for Mobile: where is the error console?
  396. Deciphering an old plaque
  397. Emptying the pictures backlog
  398. Exciting times!
  399. This is how I UNroll
  400. Experimenting with drawing inks and water brush pens
  401. Summer struggle / Pugna canicular
  402. Glitchy Friday
  403. So many things in just a week
  404. WIP 2012 08 08
  405. I'm on tumblr
  406. "3400 miles below" spawns many source code repositories!
  407. 3400 miles below
  408. Inskcape custom palettes
  409. Spiral
  410. Unexpected output
  411. interference / indecision
  412. Inkscape cloning
  413. Animated GIFs with Imagemagick
  414. Frequency to note name
  415. Hello, world!
  417. one page bookmarklet
  419. radioworks
  420. Setting default directory for screenshots in GNOME 3
  421. First munit.js pull request!
  422. munit.js - microunit testing for javascript
  423. Late Spectrum tribute
  424. Simple yet Frequently Asked Questions on three.js (SFAQ)
  425. Mesh subdivision (2012 extended edition)
  426. WebGL VGA
  427. animated_gif.js
  428. USB Tethering with wicd, an Android phone and ArchLinux
  429. A first impression on Ruby's Mechanize
  430. aafm revision 4
  431. MWC 2012
  432. Android SDK with Open JDK 1.7 and IntelliJ IDEA 11
  433. Berlin, July 2011
  434. "London-NY (and back)" for Amazon Kindle!
  435. My favourite GIMP plug-ins
  436. London-New York (and back), via Hong Kong, Macau, Tokyo and San Francisco
  437. A hack to parse RSS feeds with php
  438. ffmpeg on Mac Os X Lion
  439. Friday the 13th / Saturday the 14th
  440. The end of the world
  441. Make Chromium/Chrome blend seamlessly with Gnome 3
  442. Robot Media's welcome party video
  443. Distro/desktop (s)hopping, part 4: GNOME 3 (+ extensions)
  444. Instantanea 1.4.2
  445. So... what do we do now with the old Flash content?
  446. Aduki shader
  447. Some notes from Google DevFest Barcelona 2011
  448. aafm revision 3
  449. "gnome-shell is a requirement"
  450. Breaking news: there's an alternative to Google Reader
  451. Distro/desktop (s)hopping, part 3: Lubuntu
  452. Macabre Pool
  453. Distro/desktop (s)hopping, part 2: XFCE
  454. Distro/desktop (s)hopping, part 1: KDE
  455. HTML5's custom attributes minigotcha
  456. C:\fakepath\
  457. Ada Lovelace Day 2011
  458. "Unsolicited letters in the 1800s", available for the Kindle
  459. RegExpert & its postmortem
  460. Demoscene @ Salt Lake City
  461. Line spacing inconsistencies when pasting to Firefox from gedit
  462. Android's Text To Speech
  463. Android's is broken on the Xperia PLAY
  464. Intriguing IntelliJ IDEA behaviour
  465. Fix the "fluxgui is already running, exiting" error
  466. "insufficient permissions for device"
  467. aafm - the Android ADB file manager
  468. Unicode emoticons with GNOME's Character Map
  469. 244 days with Vim, 2 days with gVim: introducing dotvim
  470. Android library projects with IntelliJ IDEA
  471. Android's activity stack and pressing HOME
  472. Honeycomb, MTP and Linux
  473. Rules are made to be broken, right?
  474. Google I/O 2011, day 2
  475. Google I/O 2011: day 1
  476. Fixing Be There DSL issues… with a little bit of scripting
  477. Ads vs paid apps: the result of the experiment
  478. Unsolicited letters in the 1800s
  479. DIY: Replacing a Sony DSC T1 CCD sensor
  480. How to hide the camera preview in Android
  481. Native startPreview failed on Nexus S? Check your preview size
  482. Updating 'geometry' in TexLive + Ubuntu
  483. The paid vs ad-supported apps experiment
  484. Nerdstalgia
  485. Enabling the camera button in Android's emulator
  486. Google's Valentine's Day logo: a color blindness test or what?
  487. Using shared network printers in Ubuntu
  488. Instantanea
  489. Programmatically building drawables
  490. The (Spanish) guide to working in London
  491. Reading attribute values of custom components
  492. Tiled backgrounds in Android
  493. New SyHi version: 0.0.4
  494. Fair trade hardware
  495. Two weeks with Vim
  496. Marcan strikes back (re: Open Kinect / freenect)
  497. GPS satellites
  498. File upload & drag and drop with HTML5
  499. Merge/update a forked git repository
  500. KML to DDMS with Google Maps, drag and drop, and more...
  501. Capturing and replaying a GPS track
  502. Compiling the Android emulator
  503. More KML to DDMS work
  504. Converting 'My Tracks' KML files for DDMS
  505. Event Listeners Day
  506. LASE by marcan & thePope
  507. Euskal 2010 demoshow
  508. ie6 for Android
  509. Cube Clock 1.5.2
  510. Misclinklanea, 3
  511. Misclinklanea, 2
  512. A nosy look into LiveWallpapers.apk
  513. Misclinklanea
  514. Cube Clock 1.5
  515. "Using (and abusing) Renoise as a demosequencer"
  516. Announcement: "Using (and abusing) Renoise as a demosequencer"
  517. Euskal 18 :after
  518. 2012 (Eclipse Helios remix)
  519. ArchLinux: looking good
  520. Fixing the Netgear WPN311 system freezes in Ubuntu
  521. Building a quiet PC
  522. Misused checkboxes
  523. "Sorry, technical discussion"
  524. Diff'ing with RapidSVN
  525. ruby in the pub #4 :after
  526. Should PDFs be next?
  527. Debunking Smarty myths
  528. Using jQuery's inline Datepicker within a form
  529. Flattr
  530. Where is the JDK!?
  531. Made in China
  532. Firefox 64 bit (Ubuntu)
  533. I deleted my Facebook account
  534. They are outsourcers
  535. Messing with OpenGL ES (in Android)
  536. Unknown input or output format: x11grab (Ubuntu)
  537. Wine vouchers
  538. On executable music compos
  539. Sorollet V2, out NOW!
  540. Scons-fusion
  541. Breakpoint demolog, days 56-57: wrapping up
  542. Breakpoint demolog, days 51-55: fixing framework bugs, and composing a song too
  543. Breakpoint demolog, days 38-50: change of plans
  544. Breakpoint demolog, day 37: device automation goodness
  545. Breakpoint demolog, day 36: plane meditation
  546. Breakpoint demolog, day 35: some pattern dynamics
  547. Breakpoint demolog, day 34: VSTi+Renoise working again
  548. Breakpoint demolog, days 32-33: moving to Windows
  549. Breakpoint demolog, day 31: the culprit has been identified and reduced
  550. Breakpoint demolog, days 29-30: back to the insidious bug
  551. Seen, gone.
  552. Breakpoint demolog, days 26-28: busy with something else
  553. Breakpoint demolog, day 25: eventList
  554. Breakpoint demolog, day 24: going backwards X-(
  555. Breakpoint demolog, day 23: rough player
  556. Breakpoint demolog, day 22: voices, parameters...
  557. Breakpoint demolog, day 21: instantiating patterns
  558. Breakpoint demolog, day 20: design sketches
  559. Breakpoint demolog, day 19: loading Song.xml == DONE
  560. Breakpoint demolog, day 18: loading the Song.xml
  561. Breakpoint demolog, day 17: building for windows (from linux)
  562. Breakpoint demolog, day 16: saturate & EQ
  563. Breakpoint demolog, day 15: filters
  564. Breakpoint demolog, day 14: BASS... drum!
  565. Breakpoint demolog, days 12 and 13: more envelopes
  566. Breakpoint demolog, day 11: Envelopes!
  567. Breakpoint demolog, day 10: deltaFrames and me
  568. Breakpoint demolog, day 9
  569. Breakpoint demolog, day 8
  570. Breakpoint demolog, days 1-7
  571. My Git workflow
  572. NetBeans' "Unable to resolve identifier std" error
  573. Linking with ffmpeg's libav
  574. Delicatessen v2
  575. Too many open files
  576. Web archaeology
  577. ffmpeg ERROR: libx264 version must be >= 0.78
  578. SyHi: my minimalistic syntax highlighting plug-in for WordPress
  579. Fastest way to generate WAV files in Python, using the wave module
  580. av_interleaved_write_frame(): I/O error occurred
  581. dig
  582. BAA sells Gatwick. So what?
  583. Saving Netbeans workbench
  584. Roll your own ffmpeg build
  585. Sky spam
  586. Performance research
  587. "is the CPU pegged?", and friends
  588. Back to Java (for Android)
  589. "If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to the RSS feed"
  590. JSONP explained
  591. And now... what?
  592. Nigerian scams go further
  593. Proportionally resize images with CSS (and maybe JS)
  594. " dentro v2" sources released
  595. "re:fritos" sources released
  596. "tube" sources released
  597. "vslpx" sources released
  598. "Blue Tuesday" sources released
  599. "Codecolors" sources released
  600. Keeping .DS_Store files at bay
  601. "Killotrona" sources released
  602. "Scene Of The Girls" sources released
  603. Terminator 4, from the point of view of a programmer
  604. Bits & bites, 2
  605. #happymonday
  606. Coding nightmares
  607. Bits & bites
  608. DVCS are very cool, but...
  609. Seven: not Apple's lucky number
  610. Site update in progress
  611. WordPress mistery solved!
  612. Generate bitmap font: a little plug-in for The Gimp
  613. Spain finally enters the 21st century
  614. Don't
  615. Eclipse tricks
  616. Easyjet: the most senior friendly airline ever!
  617. to_the_beat sources + introducing sorollet
  618. WGA notification tool... why?
  619. Stack overbooooom
  620. From Pipex to Be (via BT)
  621. Mac mini as a headless server
  622. Support Breakpoint
  623. Open interval version number
  624. How to recruit curious people, the automattic way
  625. What package does this file belong to?
  626. The irony of spam
  627. eBay scams
  628. Why aren't we all using SFTP, HTTPS, SSH et al?
  629. Add SVN support to your Eclipse installation
  630. The BBC accidentally reveals some source code
  631. Arduino and ubuntu
  632. How to install hpricot in Ubuntu 8.4
  633. Embedding fonts in ActionScript 3, using Flex SDK
  634. mod_rewrite, mod_negotiation and empty $_GET's
  635. Cloud computing is the new social network
  636. Damn geeks (and more)
  637. And now PSPLink!
  638. PSP joystick & buttons
  639. Installing the PSP toolchain in Ubuntu
  640. Create .ZIPs from multiple folders
  641. Neon v2 goes open source
  642. How to crash Flash Player in few lines
  643. The making of " DVD #1"
  644. Mental note on Safari, cookies and underscores
  645. Lua universal binary
  646. invtro v2
  647. Common GUI design mistake, fixed in Ubuntu
  648. Split files into folders by letter
  649. Bye bye, Burnaby! Hello, Laurel!
  650. Building a universal library in Mac OS X
  651. Mental note about #ifndef's
  652. Zuckerberg == E.T.
  653. Incendiary fun
  654. Parsing a export with Hpricot
  655. Lightbox is ruining my user experience
  656. Fix for the notice errors on line 5463
  657. A quote on TeX
  658. Open source Flex is great
  659. Xcode3 oddities
  660. Data portability
  661. DIY: Replacing my powerbook's hard drive
  662. You and me in Babel
  663. embedding!
  664. Truly irritating: "Your Wireless network has been compromised"
  665. My first opengl program in Linux!
  666. ZigVersion crashing all the time?
  667. "example.php" is a script application which was downloaded from the Internet
  668. On Zed Shaw rants about Rails and Ruby
  669. "Fix" for Leopard "bug" when mounting an iPod via Firewire
  670. Ubuntu and normal people
  671. Pages from España
  672. Get defacements, database dumps, remote shells, ownages and much more!
  673. UTF-8 checklist
  674. Reasons for using UTF-8
  675. Let us mind our own business
  676. Eclipse word wrapping, volume 3
  677. Warning! Flex Builder Plugin for Eclipse will delete your Eclipse folder!! Aaagh!
  678. DIY: Replace your intel mac mini's hard disk drive
  679. Removing elements with Hpricot
  680. Security sandbox violation? How come!
  681. Fed up with comment spam?
  682. Is tagging really that bad?
  683. Libraries and frameworks
  684. The perversion of popularity ranks
  685. Hey, Technorati, are you going to fix this anytime soon?
  686. Serene observations on php4 controversy
  687. Thumbs up for FlashDevelop
  688. This is what is wrong about licenses
  689. Why is it important to have open standards
  690. jQuery and Rails (and getting rid of prototype)
  691. VerifyError: Error #1025: An invalid register 1 was accessed
  692. Superminigallery: a gallery with ruby, rmagick and builder
  693. Software budgets
  694. Delicatessen: a wordpress plugin
  695. Señales de que tu PHP necesita una refactorización
  696. Extracting data with Hpricot
  697. Signs your PHP needs refactoring
  698. Mapspam
  700. Array.indexOf in Internet Explorer
  701. REST + caching = BOOOM!
  702. Sick of standards
  703. CDmon rules!
  704. London Ruby Users Group brings you back to uni
  705. The next captcha generation for myspace forms
  706. Being understood
  707. Deploying websites with Subversion
  708. BarCampLondon2 :after
  709. BarCampLondon2
  710. British Airways do not like Spanish names
  711. PHP will never have a (real) Rails-like framework
  712. Hello again!
  713. Pop, candies and confetti
  714. Long life to polka dots
  715. What if...?
  716. Easier and more secure
  717. How to set up the web server for working in a team
  718. Articles
  719. Hidden London: East & East Center
  720. Gran Paradiso: faster, nicer, better!
  721. Managerial approaches to Web 2.0
  722. XSL with PHP in Ubuntu
  723. Some things I've learnt about managing developers teams
  724. Mongrel! Mongrel! Mongrel!
  725. Beware of cakephp's requestAction!
  726. Bricks and ruled paper (a short story)
  727. Liverpool Street mob con
  728. ¡Observar por favor!
  729. is evil
  730. At Game On!
  731. now providing free downloads
  732. Dodgy hotdogs (no pun intended)
  733. cakephpbb
  734. Load avg: 0.95
  735. She's on Piccadilly Circus
  736. Why I didn't go to bcnparty: the REAL answer!
  737. How about a nice game of chess?
  738. I definitely rule
  739. Ubuntu and the demoscene
  740. Using skeletons for selling books
  741. A senile goldfish
  742. Living in civilization is so cool!
  743. Sundown 06 - Music!
  744. Sundown 06 - intermezzo
  745. Sundown 06 - Oldskool graphics compo (and brief today's summary)
  746. Becoming a sudoer again
  747. Find out the full referrer (with the shell)
  748. Graphic design mood-ish
  749. As seen on books only...
  750. Programming languages which are human readable languages too
  751. The lastminute WTF
  752. You must be a linux expert
  753. The pattern in democratic news communities
  754. Gastroscene goes japanese
  755. Bugfixing, refactoring and improving
  756. Pizza On Rails september 2006
  757. Going forward with thisisnotanengine
  758. Nice clothes display
  759. Sushi!
  760. Limp Ninja have gone PPG
  761. Bath literature
  762. Petardo's Dance Club
  763. Curso de ética blog-comentarística
  764. Do you use reset buttons?
  765. Internet explorer in linux
  766. Demoscene at youtube
  767. Dirty people and The Horror
  768. Authentication failure with Gaim in Ubuntu when trying to use a googletalk account
  769. Working in W1
  770. Use any firefox extension with Bon Echo (Firefox 2)
  771. An old spammer strikes back
  772. The recruitment nightmare
  773. El misterio de
  774. Playing with ipodlinux, podfather and mikmodpodzilla
  775. Open source: from unstable to unstoppable
  776. Wrong location of mysql.sock?
  777. Impressions on Fruitstock'06
  778. Spanish demoscene (temporarily) owns pouet!
  779. I shouldn't be writing this here...
  780. Euskal 14 live report (VIII)
  781. Euskal 14 live report (VII)
  782. Euskal 14 live report (VI)
  783. Euskal 14 live report (v)
  784. Euskal 14 live report (IV)
  785. Euskal 14 live report (III)
  786. Euskal 14 live report (II)
  787. Euskal 14 live report (I)
  788. Akismet must be down
  789. Cenita "scener" en Valencia
  790. Vuelta a Valencia
  791. Formentera in a glance
  792. Peloton
  793. Accidente de metro en Valencia
  794. El fin del mundo, confirmado
  795. Que vivan las decenas
  796. Que vivan las quincenas
  797. Surprise from the past
  798. I feel five
  799. MegAAfonía
  800. Real time Fairlight
  801. Siete días, siete noches y el artículo 47
  802. I wish I had been there
  803. Testing Quicksilver
  804. Idiots with nothing to do
  805. Pues yo no soy friki
  806. Be careful with language packs...
  807. I've switched to gtalk
  808. Undoubtedly, this is not a heaven signal
  809. 10 years of tracking
  810. Los cumpleaños que recuerdo (muy a mi pesar)
  811. Smelly code
  812. ¿Adiós o hasta luego?
  813. Jeff Barr spoke about Amazon Web Services yesterday!
  814. And now everybody wants to follow a healthy lifestyle
  815. A quick way to clean temporary files and caches on mac
  816. I just saw "Death Line" and thought...
  817. Morning game in the tube
  818. Do you want to resize and crop images in RoR? RMagick is your friend
  819. Police show at lunchtime
  820. Friday...
  821. Heatwaves
  822. The making of "tube"/xplsv
  823. ¡Me plagian! ¡Yupi!
  824. Site stats for April 2006
  825. My new friend
  826. My first application in Ruby On Rails
  827. Por qué no uso hotmail
  828. Breakpoint 2006 quick report
  829. Blog gardening
  830. What if went down?
  831. /tmp/mysql.sock issue with Ruby On Rails under mac os X
  832. Música Tracker: blog acerca de módulos
  833. neon v2 public release
  834. A rare atmosphere
  835. El chiste de los 100 euros
  836. Assigning behaviour to page elements based on their class name
  837. Google code Web authoring statistics
  838. Naked days
  839. I know what killed the demoscene
  840. What is Flex?
  841. Finding people on Google Maps
  842. If the problem is not the party, what is it then?
  843. ifparty06 results
  844. Switching is good stuff
  845. Open letter to my dear trolls
  846. Annoying sounds
  847. On King's Cross ticket gates
  848. Start calmly, then increase the rhythm
  849. Amiga Demo Podcast
  850. roterfleck's new web
  851. Así me gusta a mí, cd single original
  852. Hell of sand
  853. if06 and safari bugs
  854. tlotb looking for talents
  855. Gastroscene@London v2
  856. Eavesdropping in the corridor
  857. Fizzy drinks and the infinite boredom of winter fruits
  858. What if microsoft did an ipod (II)?: The package
  859. So clever that hurts
  860. ¡El fin del mundo!
  861. Feed your ipod beatiful: yuppster, trash80, jean9, ps and kosmoplovci
  862. What if microsoft did an ipod?
  863. Interesting and more or less useless software for mac
  864. Heaven signal
  865. A very simple Commodore Amiga question
  866. Programador reconvertido a sastre
  867. Tripping down the memory lane
  868. Downthemall: A SuperYouReallyNeedIt extension for firefox
  869. smileys
  870. Mi IBSN
  871. Blue Tuesday final version
  872. New favicon
  873. BANCAJA me saca de quicio
  874. Salsa Scener (XIII): Más detalles sobre el enigma Overdose!
  875. Justificando tu spam
  876. Some things I want to give a try: results
  877. Show all files in Finder
  878. If you complain about your computer's hardware...
  879. No cabrees a un blogger
  880. Say NO! (by The No Foundation)
  881. ¿Leer libros al completo?
  882. Subversion-ing with Mac and Textdrive
  883. Space Invaders: the real story
  884. Second hand and bargain bookshop
  885. Humor en el hipermercado
  886. ppg is dead
  887. C64 Name hijacking
  888. Less than three months for breakpoint06
  889. Salsa Scener (XII): el ¿fin? de
  890. Ruby On Rails Cheat sheet by ilovejackdaniels
  891. Egosearch-ing
  892. Una lleva demasiado tiempo en Londres...
  893. Desastre total 3
  894. VJ'ing styles
  895. Tube fashion victims
  896. Un pueblo en ruinas (o casi)
  897. Cómo se ve España desde fuera
  898. Limpieza total
  899. 2006 to do list
  900. ¿Inocentada o no?
  901. Salsa Scener XI: Especial Navidad
  902. Christmas Holidays, day 4: pissed off
  903. Christmas Holidays, day 3: stay!
  904. Christmas Holidays, day 2: an abandoned granary
  905. Christmas Holidays, day 1: white christmas... in the pyrenées only
  906. Edirol!!
  907. Mi pobre karma...
  908. motiongraphics tv is not beta anymore!!
  909. Nada de malo conocido...
  910. Las aventuras de un cartón de leche en el metro
  911. ¿Entonces ya es Navidad?
  912. Que nos pillen confesados
  913. Bolsas de papel
  914. Mini cambios!
  915. Firefox 1.5 optimized for your g4
  916. La evolución
  917. Solina
  918. Eurodisco, el top 40 de 2005
  919. Bricksmith: Lego Virtual
  920. Orange, or are inconsistency days over?
  921. I also want safari support!
  922. My music in a videogame
  923. ¿Entonces no te gusta divertirte?
  924. What do you miss in Eclipse?
  925. Noxtrum: cómo no hacer las cosas
  926. Firefox 1.5: an addictive drug
  927. Loving RoundCube
  928. don't worry, I am alive!!
  929. somebody is trying to hack your site while you're sleeping
  930. Es demasiado pronto
  931. Internet explorer meets the Demoscene
  932. Why does an online shop need an specific browser?
  933. La inutilidad de la web de renfe
  934. Naming PHP constants conventions
  935. christmas tour
  936. move your body
  937. Perversa manipuladora
  938. Los borricos
  939. ipod utils
  940. happy!
  941. Ahora sí que es London
  942. Salsa Scener X: Empezar en la escena programando
  943. So how many more ...
  944. How to write unmaintainable code
  945. RadRails: a nice IDE for rubyonrails
  946. Lo que nunca creíste que podrías ver
  947. So tracking is not so dead, isn't it?
  948. Hoy soy un poco más web 2.0
  949. Batallitas scener III: cómo conocí a TLOTB
  950. Esto parece Whitechapel
  951. El mileurismo, ¡ojalá!
  952. La Casualidad
  953. Me aburre ese portal
  954. De manías: los dedos sobre la pantalla
  955. Fighting against ruby, rails, gems, php and apache on mac os x (and maybe something else I forget)
  956. Kill Bill's browser!!
  957. Salsa scener (IX): Madgoblin, todo por la escena
  958. Al calor de la pecera
  959. Trabajando en domingos
  960. The web is a flexible medium
  961. ifparty06: participa en la tormenta de ideas
  962. sergeeo se supera
  963. Mejorando los tabs de firefox
  964. Idea desafortunada de la semana
  965. bcnparty101: la ira, la envidia, y otros pecados capitales
  966. bcnparty101: 2ndstage al poder!
  967. Back from bcnparty101
  968. El telefono loco
  969. Salsa Scener (VIII): aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
  970. hello ingrid! gets ready for 2nd stage
  971. ¿Truco o trato?
  972. neon v2 sneak peek 2
  973. Only for pro-procrastinators
  974. Sole live @ the pmp05 friday night
  975. Quedar mal
  976. Rosa contra negro
  977. Some things I want to give a try...
  978. Zombie Copy
  979. Menudos pájaros...
  980. El webmail estupido
  981. Las incógnitas de la vida
  982. Tanto que hacer...
  983. Las peores letras de canciones
  984. Salsa Scener (VII): El oneliner es de cobardes
  985. Mejor que el chándal con zapatos de tacón
  986. Llamando a las cosas por su nombre
  987. Moda y breakbeats
  988. Desgracia de sistema operativo
  989. Testing Camino
  990. Alarde de sintesis, por Pobrecito Hablador
  991. Ruby On Rails, round III: First real steps!
  992. Modas web
  993. Alucinaciones
  994. Salsa Scener (VI): Amenaza
  995. Ruby On Rails, round II
  996. exhausted
  997. Let's avoid reinventing the wheel...
  998. Salsa Scener (V): Vacío mental
  999. Yes, I don't watch tv
  1000. Don't allow people to break your code
  1001. To be inspiring is so nice...
  1002. How not to do error messages
  1003. Y otra vuelta de rosca!
  1004. Ese pueblo repugnante
  1005. Diferencias culturales
  1006. I am not an atomic playboy!
  1007. Destarifo
  1008. Salsa scener (IV): Batiburrillo
  1009. Cool technique for restoring database dumps (with foreign keys)
  1010. RSS arreglado / RSS working
  1011. Aclarando, que es gerundio
  1012. Mail notifiers fever
  1013. Transplante de cara
  1014. Hello world!!
  1015. Horror en el hipermercado
  1016. Pardas y pardos
  1017. I'm online again
  1018. Vuelve el gótico (avance de moda londinense)
  1019. busy, busy
  1020. Coming back
  1021. Ruby On Rails, round I
  1022. c'mon hurry hurry up!
  1023. No more sudoku...
  1024. Spain owns half of London
  1025. Salsa scener (III): Misterios desvelados
  1026. Anidar plantillas Smarty
  1027. Skiers
  1028. South Park style avatars
  1029. Schism Tracker, almost perfect
  1030. Randomly scattered rantings
  1031. Horrores de la vida cotidiana
  1032. Week's simplest program!
  1033. Puñales a euro
  1035. Salsa scener (II): Los secretos de 195/95/256
  1036. Working in the Next Big Thing
  1037. Apple's Mac Mighty mouse
  1038. Salsa scener
  1039. What to do?
  1040. Dia for Mac?
  1041. Word wrapping in eclipse ... still a mistery
  1042. Thinking in C++
  1043. Shine for president!
  1044. From mac to windows: god bless opengl!
  1045. She
  1046. Policías, bomberos y ambulancias (Londres 21 julio)
  1047. Ya podéis poneros las pilas, ya...
  1048. ¿Qué se cuece en la Euskal?
  1049. Antología de la estupidez (III): Integración de conocimiento
  1050. It must be like a pain in the ass...
  1051. No voy a la euskal
  1052. Batallitas scener II: un PPG podía haberse formado en 1999
  1053. La vida después del 7 de julio
  1054. Doing the homework...
  1055. Programadores pendulares
  1056. Schism Tracker updated
  1057. Batallitas scener I: El II festival tracker multimedia
  1058. un día...
  1059. Cerrado por vacaciones
  1060. Argh!
  1061. Circle Line: Worst Line Ever!
  1062. shit little parrot
  1063. Soy una mercenaria
  1064. ¡Cuatro días!
  1065. coffee houses
  1066. Update me one more time!!
  1067. The techie grandma
  1068. Impaciencia
  1069. Do your own ping-er with php!
  1070. Microsoft + RSS = ???
  1071. test musical encadenado
  1072. weird weird ie-thing
  1073. ¿Será preciso?
  1074. Lecciones web
  1075. Foreign keys and mysql
  1076. Pesadilla en Old Street!!
  1077. easy listening del bueno
  1078. Programando en mac (II): Ya lo tengo!
  1079. big no-no's!!
  1080. ¿Dónde está la magia?
  1081. Schism Tracker
  1082. Cuando tres días se convierten en 12 horas
  1083. Visita al Science Museum
  1084. It's not my fault!
  1085. googlism: maybe not a very good idea
  1086. Sin Piedad: Wild Like Children by Tilly and the wall
  1087. Sin Piedad: Vetiver by Vetiver
  1088. Un principio tranquilo
  1089. do you know frank sinatra?
  1090. No lo entiendo
  1091. Ipod MiniShuffle
  1092. Nuevo RSS
  1093. ¿Periodista?
  1094. Luego se quejan del quicktime player
  1095. ¡¡Que me parto!!
  1096. Via Laietana!!
  1097. City Ambient EP released!!
  1098. Roterfleck en offf05
  1099. Oh BCN!!
  1100. Pues así nunca compraré
  1101. shortwaves, spies and music
  1102. British delights (II): ¡Un metro con misterio!
  1103. summer training
  1104. Programando en mac (I)
  1105. ¿¿Objective C??
  1106. Misterio!
  1107. British Delights (I): Los ganchos en las puertas
  1108. Nirvana
  1109. Llegó la primavera
  1110. guitarritis
  1111. No al tabaco!!!
  1112. next stop: barcelona
  1113. movies
  1114. one more reason for hating explorer
  1115. sueño
  1116. Eau de naftaline
  1117. ¡Qué fuerte!
  1118. El tabaco apesta
  1119. movistar arañando las paredes
  1120. Pirateando a gusto y con razón
  1121. Hating Internet Explorer
  1122. ¡La última oportunidad para ver a Caractacus!
  1123. ifparty website launched
  1124. direct x does not want me to use firefox :'(
  1125. La primera vez
  1126. grrrr
  1127. Nunca seré élite!! :-(
  1128. Modplug Wild
  1129. Todo el día mirando por la ventana
  1130. ya era hora!
  1131. MIT OpenCourseWare
  1132. becanne & other stuff
  1133. Cursos de español
  1134. weather forecast: sleet
  1135. happy (chinese) new year!
  1136. Social Security, Chapter I: Racista con los racistas
  1137. Cinco minutos
  1138. Vosaltres sou els culpables!!
  1139. it exporter: (almost) finished
  1140. De la ineptitud
  1141. ¡Basta ya de flashes!
  1142. it exporter: in the right way
  1143. gastroscene@london
  1144. Towards the next d.e.m.o. generation
  1145. Esto es una estafa
  1146. this page has been hacked
  1147. ¿Mac o dell?
  1148. Moda inglesa
  1149. There's not tracker like Impulse Tracker...
  1150. Pucca, Jessica Fletcher y las pajaritas
  1151. Horteras del messenger
  1152. 5170 intrussions
  1153. sunglasses
  1154. Antología de la estupidez (II): La hoja de actividad
  1155. Tag your songs!
  1156. Artículos antiguos
  1157. iberia, or how to lose your future clients
  1158. code colors final version
  1159. Vamos a volar
  1160. Desvarios post lunch
  1161. Paginitis
  1162. I can't stop updating!
  1163. No cuesta tanto
  1164. M$: Losers!
  1165. ¿No querías caldo? ¡Toma diez tazas!
  1166. Miopísimo
  1167. Antología de la estupidez (I): El diseño de un logotipo
  1168. ¡Contra los racaneos!
  1169. Renovarse o morir!
  1170. Parecen idiotas
  1171. d-linked v2
  1172. Cadenas de busqueda
  1173. opengl, geforce cards and my continuous finding of strange bugs
  1174. roterfleck netlabel launch (music takes you anywhere)
  1175. launched
  1176. Alcachofas para tiiii
  1177. cold cold weather!!
  1178. lots of improvements
  1179. i move to london
  1180. la mala educación
  1181. It's a kind of magic...!
  1182. en portada
  1183. get mobile
  1184. Conferencia acerca de trackers en la euskal 12
  1185. please, please, I need an aftereuskal!
  1186. El metro los findes, una delicia
  1187. Modulez radio, info research and some more...
  1188. Is it summer?
  1189. back 2 work
  1190. a la sai too
  1191. a las sai
  1192. everything is forbidden
  1193. bleeeeeep
  1194. From the ashes, from the xplanada
  1195. Improving mesh subdivision
  1196. superscene day!
  1197. da jormas 10th anniversary
  1198. killotrona here!
  1199. a useless bug report
  1200. Once again the fucking laptop!
  1201. it has finished!!
  1202. cosas que dejó el verano
  1203. to prototype or not to prototype, that is the question
  1204. Thanks, Spöntz!
  1205. enjoy the ride
  1206. housemade benchmarks
  1207. cleaning up the mess
  1208. intensive week :-/
  1209. the prize is a little bit of success
  1210. Today is a great day!
  1211. Soulseek, it's better late than never
  1212. hahaha!
  1213. boh!
  1214. not music today!
  1215. new sections
  1216. Success!
  1217. ifparty04 presentation
  1218. new content today
  1219. spanish report system
  1220. first version